CARP is a collaborative project between circus arts resource centers, circus networks and researchers around the world.   

CARP is free of charge and gives you access to the bibliography and other resources.

  • A directory of scholars (Masters, PhD and post-doctoral students, professors etc.) from various fields—the humanities, social sciences, medicine, and technology, to name just a few—who share an interest in circus arts research.
  • An online map where you can find resource centers, libraries, archives and private collections open to researchers.
  • An international bibliography of academic publications and articles specifically related to the circus arts. (Studies, theses and articles published in an academic context – like MA, PhD, Post-Doc, studies, articles, webdoc, seminary reports, publications by academic publishers). Theses and papers at the BA level will not be included.  International thematic bibliographies can also be found. The CARP International bibliography is an addition to other existing library and/or resource centre catalogues (go to the CARP MapCARP other Resources)
  • Information on conferences, lectures and open calls for papers (CFPs). Also, an archive of past academic activities.
  • Links to useful academic blogs, web documentaries. You could find others existing library or resource centre catalogues