
The registration for the SHP workshop in June is still open

04/06/2024 - 07/06/2024

The Swiss Household Panel (SHP) workshop will take place in Lausanne from the 4th to the 7th of June 2024. Register until the 27th of May 2024.

28th Summer School in Social Science Methods

09/08/2024 - 23/08/2024

The programme of the 28th Summer School in Social Science Methods in Lugano is out now and the registration is open.

Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe”, Villa Vigoni, Italy

07/10/2024 - 09/10/2024

The theme of the 18th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe” (October 7-9, 2024) is “Fears, Worries and Anxieties in Contemporary Europe. Is there a societal climate change and what are the consequences for quality of life?”.


FORS Data Re-use Award

Are you currently working with social science data you got from FORS? Or are you planning to do so in the next few months? Then consider submitting your paper to the FORS Data Re-use Award and get the chance to win up to 1’000 CHF.

Driving Open Science forward: Switzerland founds the SSHOC-CH open cluster

FORS is pleased to be part of the founding assembly and announces the appointment of Georg Lutz, Director of FORS, to the position of President within SSHOC-CH.

The European Social Survey has been awarded the Infrastructure Prize for Sociology 2024

The ESS is honored to receive this prize in recognition of their collective work to deliver high quality data infrastructure to European social scientists.

Call for contributions on Longitudinal Survey Data

The SHP team has published a call for contributions for the Research Topic “Exploring Social Stratification Dynamics: Insights from Longitudinal Survey Data”. Submit your abstract until July 31, 2024.