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  • 1.
    Key publications of the European Union [er] : Spring 2024. Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2023.
    Key publications of the European Union is a catalogue listing some of the most recent and most popular titles published by the Publications Office of the European Union.
  • 2.
    20 years of Erasmus Mundus [er]. Europäische Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur.
    [Luxemburg] : [Amt für Veröffentlichungen], [2024]
  • 3.
    Scenario analysis of pollutants loads to European regional seas for the year 2020. Part II, Assessment of priority chemicals – an example with three pilot substances [er]. Europäische Kommission. Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle. Institut für Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2011.
    In order to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, DG Environment and the Joint Research Centre joined to carry out a study on the expected cumulative impact of existing EU environmental legislation on the quality of the marine environment, with specific reference to the case of aquatic discharges to the European seas. The report describes a few scenario analyses affecting emissions to the European regional seas up to 2020 for Lindane, Trifluralin and Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) taken as pilot substances. The scenarios developed are agreed with stakeholders at DG ENV following some preparatory meetings. The scenarios do not intend be exhaustive, but examples of what can be further achieved making use of the modelling and database development made in the different phases of the project. For Lindane, the model estimated European sea load of 745 tons per 1995, based on the official emission data provided by EMEP, appears to be reduced by 98.3% in 2005, ten years after the start of the EU regulations for γ-HCH. Besides, under the BAU scenario, a Lindane sea load of ca.12.5 tons per year should be expected. The trend and ban scenarios support, respectively, a reduction of the load to the European seas in 2020 by 74% and 95% when compared to the BAU estimate. Aimed at Trifluralin, according to the BAU scenario, an annual load of ca.61.7 tones is estimated in 2020. However, this is an overestimation of sea load, because the aggregated emission data of EUROSTAT for the agriculture use of the entire group of dinitroaniline herbicides in for EU25 have been considered as model input data. The ban scenario forecasts ca. 0.07 t/y and in practice eliminates the concern about loads of Trifluralin to European seas to a negligible level due to degradation in soil. Considering PFOS under BAU scenario conditions the total sea load from all European countries is estimated to be 5.8 tons per year. The model forecasts approximately a half of this amount when a 50% reduction of emissions takes place.
  • 4.
    Guidance on reception [er] : operational standards and indicators. Asylagentur der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    The overall objective of these operational standards and indicators is to support Member States in the implementation of key provisions of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), addressing issues related to the reception of applicants for international protection..
  • 5.
    CORDIS results pack on an inclusive energy transition [er]. Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Achieving a citizen-centred and inclusive energy transition requires harnessing affordable and clean energy solutions while facilitating the active participation of consumers in line with the aims of the European Green Deal. This CORDIS Results Pack highlights 15 EU-funded projects that are making this happen.
  • 6.
    Scientific, technical and economic committee for fisheries [er] : review of scientific advice for 2011. Part 3. Addendum : Allocation of separate TACs for plaice in ICES Divisions VIId and VIIe. Europäische Kommission. Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle. Institut für Schutz und Sicherheit des Bürgers.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2010.
    This is an addendum to the Section 3.3. Special request on plaice in Divisions VIId,e of the report: Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). Review of Scientific advice for 2011 – Part 3 (eds. Casey, J., Vanhee, W. & Druon, J.-N.) 2010. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, ISBN 978-92-79-18741-4, JRC 61942, 286 pp.
  • 7.
  • 8.
    Veterinary antimicrobials in Europe'’s environment [er] : a One Health perspective. Europäische Umweltagentur.
    [Luxemburg] : [Amt für Veröffentlichungen], [2024]
    Antimicrobials are an essential tool to prevent or treat disease in humans and animals. In food systems, they help to ensure the health and welfare of animals raised for food. However, their use can also lead to environmental pollution and potentially affect human health, including by contributing to the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This briefing summarises the latest knowledge on how antimicrobials used in food-producing animals may impact the health of humans, animals and ecosystems, and reviews progress in reducing their use in Europe'’s food system.
  • 9.
    Veterinary antimicrobials in Europe'’s environment [er] : a One Health perspective. Europäische Umweltagentur.
    [Luxemburg] : [Amt für Veröffentlichungen], [2024]
    Antimicrobials are an essential tool to prevent or treat disease in humans and animals. In food systems, they help to ensure the health and welfare of animals raised for food. However, their use can also lead to environmental pollution and potentially affect human health, including by contributing to the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This briefing summarises the latest knowledge on how antimicrobials used in food-producing animals may impact the health of humans, animals and ecosystems, and reviews progress in reducing their use in Europe'’s food system.
  • 10.
    Guidance on vulnerability in asylum and reception [er] : operational standards and indicators. Asylagentur der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    The overall objective of these operational standards and indicators is to support Member States in the implementation of key provisions of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), addressing issues related to applicants in a situation of vulnerability in asylum and reception.
  • 11.
    CORDIS results pack on an inclusive energy transition. Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Achieving a citizen-centred and inclusive energy transition requires harnessing affordable and clean energy solutions while facilitating the active participation of consumers in line with the aims of the European Green Deal. This CORDIS Results Pack highlights 15 EU-funded projects that are making this happen.
  • 12.
    European Higher Education Area (EHEA) cluster meeting [er] : impact of the EHEA projects. Europäische Exekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Since the beginning of this century the contribution to the development of the European Higher Education Area has been a central objective of EU policy-making. The main vehicle for support to national policy in recent years has been the Erasmus+ programme, which has overseen several rounds of projects since 2014. Throughout this period, we count 84 Erasmus+ EHEA projects involving education ministries and other key higher education stakeholders, focusing on areas such as: the Bologna transparency tools, quality assurance, learning mobility, innovation in teaching & learning, fundamental academic values, automatic recognition, fostering employability. With the first cluster event taking place back in 2018 and gathering the first two generations of projects, a second one was organised in June 2023 to take stock of the achievements and challenges faced by the last 40 EHEA projects (running between 2018-2024). This report aims to summarise the discussions conducted in this last forum, in the topics of quality assurance and automatic recognition; National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) and microcredentials; as well as inclusion and fundamental academic values. It concludes with main findings by the participants. The event agenda and a booklet containing key information about the 2018, 2019 and 2021 EHEA projects are further provided.
  • 13.
    Minu Euroopa [er] : Märtsi uudiskiri. 23/05/2024. Europäische Kommission. Vertretung in Estland.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Suurejooneline Euroopa päev on selleks aastaks läbi – aitäh kõigile õpetajatele ja õpilastele, kes seda koos meiega tähistasid! Tallinnas ja Narvas korraldatud orienteerumismängud tõid tänavatele rohkelt ringi sagivaid õpilasi. 2000-eurose kinkekaardi klassiekskursiooni korraldamiseks võitis Tallinnas Viimsi Gümnaasium ning Narvas Narva Gümnaasium. Palju õnne veelkord! Traditsioonilisel Euroopa päeva seminaril pälvis tänavu aasta eurooplase aunimetuse Kusti Salm ning ELi 20. liikmesusaasta puhul andsime välja aastate eurooplase tiitli, mille sai Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Aasta eurooplase tiitli väljaandmisega tunnustavad Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esindus ja Euroopa Liikumine inimest või organisatsiooni, kes on aidanud seista euroopalike väärtuste eest, suurendada Eesti inimeste teadlikkust Euroopa Liidust ning teinud Eesti Euroopas nähtavamaks. Meil oli suur rõõm pakkuda tegevusi ja meelelahutust üle 10 000 külastajale Tallinnas Vabaduse väljaku üritustealal „Meie Euroopa. Meie NATO“ ja õhtusel kontserdil. Samal ajal Narvas toimunud Ida-Viru tulevikumessi ning kontserti oli uudistamas üle 3500 huvilist. Lisaks toimetasid Euroopa päeva tegevuste lainel Europe Direct infokeskused ja teised koostööpartnerid teistes Eesti linnades. Kooliaasta lõpp läheneb küll hoogsalt, kuid enne veel, 9. juunil toimuvad Euroopa Parlamendi valimised, mille käigus valib 373 miljonit eurooplast ametisse 720 Euroopa Parlamendi liiget. Paljude gümnasistide jaoks on see esmakordne võimalus valima minna. Loodame teile, head õpetajad, et aitate ka omalt poolt valimiste edule kaasa ning tuletate õpilastele meelde, kui tähtis on minna valima ja ELi teemades sõna sekka öelda. Teie nõu ja abi on vajalik ka selleks, et aidata õpilastel inforägastikus orienteeruda ja teha hästi läbimõeldud otsus. Suur aitäh kõigile õpetajatele, kes jagasid meiega kooliaasta jooksul ette võetud Euroopa Liidu teemalisi tegemisi ning esinduse poole pealt oli hea meel aidata nõuannete, loengupidajate või meenetega ürituste sujumisele kaasa. Seniks aga soovime Teile päikselist kooliaasta lõppu ning mõnusat suvevaheaega – koostöö ja uudiskirjaga jätkame taas septembris!
  • 14.
    Minu Euroopa [er] : Märtsi uudiskiri. 25/04/2024. Europäische Kommission. Vertretung in Estland.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Tänavu 1. mail täitub Eestil 20 aastat Euroopa Liidu ja NATO liikmena. Eestist sai ELi liikmesriik 2004. aastal pärast kuus aastat kestnud ühinemisläbirääkimisi. Eesti jõudmine Euroopa otsustajate hulka ei ole tulnud niisama. See on olnud paljude inimeste pühendunud töö tulemus ning see töö jätkub. EL areneb pidevalt edasi ja nüüd suunab seda arengut ka Eesti. Oma teekonda Euroopa Liidus tähistame kogu aasta vältel mitmesuguste projektide ja sündmustega. Nagu ikka, kulmineeruvad sündmused Euroopa päeval, 9. mail, mil korraldame Vabamus oma traditsioonilise seminari, kuulutame välja aasta eurooplase, seekord ka aastate eurooplase, ning koostöös välisministeeriumiga võimsa kontserdi Tallinnas Vabaduse väljakul. Sama suurejoonelise sündmusega rõõmustame tänavu ka narvakaid – linna keskväljakul on kavas suur kontsert ja tulevikumess. Euroopa-teemadest räägitakse Euroopa päeval ka Tartus, kus Skytte Instituudi korraldatud seminaril vaadatakse tagasi Eesti 20 aastale ELis, aga ka eelseisvatele Euroopa valmistele ja ELi laienemisele. Tallinna ja Tartu seminaril on kavas esitleda Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esinduse ja Riigikantselei toel ilmuvat raamatut, mis on pühendatud Eesti ELi kuulumise 20 aastale. Euroopa päeva tähistatakse ka mujal Eestis. Täpsema info kõigi ürituste kohta leiate sellest uudiskirjast ja veebilehelt euroopapäev.ee. Loodame väga, head õpetajad, et leiate võimaluse seda päeva ka oma koolis tähistada. Kui sooviksite kutsuda koolitunde andma Euroopaga seotud inimesi või korraldada mänge, misläbi õpitaks tundma nii meie lähemaid kui kaugemaid Euroopa naabreid, aitame meeleldi ideede ja kontaktidega!
  • 15.
    An inclusive energy transition [er] : citizen engagement for affordable and sustainable energy solutions. Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Achieving a citizen-centred and inclusive energy transition requires harnessing affordable and clean energy solutions while facilitating the active participation of consumers in line with the aims of the European Green Deal. The 15 EU-funded projects featured in this CORDIS Results Pack are working towards making that happen.
  • 16.
    An inclusive energy transition : citizen engagement for affordable and sustainable energy solutions. Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Achieving a citizen-centred and inclusive energy transition requires harnessing affordable and clean energy solutions while facilitating the active participation of consumers in line with the aims of the European Green Deal. The 15 EU-funded projects featured in this CORDIS Results Pack are working towards making that happen.
  • 17.
    Gender equality action plans for parliaments : step-by-step tool. Europäisches Institut für Gleichstellungsfragen.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    This tool provides practical step-by-step guidance to parliaments at the EU, national and regional levels to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a gender equality action plan. The tool describes how to: plan the process of establishing a gender equality action plan from start to finish; set up the necessary support structures and conditions that are required to successfully execute a gender equality action plan; design the contents of a gender equality action plan, including the measures that parliaments can adopt; recognise the key challenges they may encounter throughout the process, and potential solutions to prevent and address these concerns. The tool supports parliaments in achieving gender-responsive institutional transformation. If you have assessed the gender-sensitivity of your parliament, develop a gender equality action plan as a next step towards achieving a gender-sensitive parliament.
  • 18.
    Gender equality action plans for parliaments [er] : step-by-step tool. Europäisches Institut für Gleichstellungsfragen.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    This tool provides practical step-by-step guidance to parliaments at the EU, national and regional levels to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a gender equality action plan. The tool describes how to: plan the process of establishing a gender equality action plan from start to finish; set up the necessary support structures and conditions that are required to successfully execute a gender equality action plan; design the contents of a gender equality action plan, including the measures that parliaments can adopt; recognise the key challenges they may encounter throughout the process, and potential solutions to prevent and address these concerns. The tool supports parliaments in achieving gender-responsive institutional transformation. If you have assessed the gender-sensitivity of your parliament, develop a gender equality action plan as a next step towards achieving a gender-sensitive parliament.
  • 19.
    CORDIS results pack on ethics and integrity in research [er]. Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    Building a culture of trust and excellence.
  • 20.
    Guidance on reception : operational standards and indicators. Asylagentur der Europäischen Union.
    Luxemburg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen, 2024.
    The overall objective of these operational standards and indicators is to support Member States in the implementation of key provisions of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), addressing issues related to the reception of applicants for international protection..
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