
Sie suchten nach: (Schlagwort(e) = 'Politisches Magazin') in allen Zeitschriften
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Zugang Titel
American Spectator (via EBSCO Host)
Black Dwarf, The (via BPC)
Briton, The (via BPC)
Contemporary Review, The (via PAO)
Contemporary Review (via EBSCO Host)
Contemporary Review, The (via BPC)
Country Journal, or, The Craftsman (via BPC)
Daily Courant, The (via BPC)
Daily Gazetteer (via BPC)
Englishmans' Magazine : a Popular Periodical for General Reading (via BPC)
Examiner : a Weekly Paper on Politics, Literature, Music and the Fine Arts (via BPC)
Grumbler, The (via BPC)
Heraclitus Ridens : a Discourse Between Jest and Earnest, Concerning the Times (via BPC)
Heresies (via EBSCO Host)
Imperial Review or London, Edinburgh and Dublin Literary Journal (via BPC)
Intelligencer (via BPC)
Irish Quarterly Review, The (via BPC)
Jacobite's Journal, The (via BPC)
Jane's Intelligence Review
Ladies' Magazine, or the Universal Entertainer (via BPC)
Monthly Chronicle, a National Journal of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art (via BPC)
Nation (via EBSCO Host)
National Observer, and British Review of Politics, Economics, Literature, Science, and Art (formerly: The Scots Observer ; formerly: The National Observer) (via BPC)
National Review (via EBSCO Host)
New Criterion (via EBSCO Host)
New Republic, The (via ProQuest)
Newsweek (via ProQuest)
Observator in Dialogue, The (via BPC)
Observator, The (via BPC)
Old England's Journal (formerly: Old England, or, the National Gazette ; formerly: Old England, or the Constitutional Journal) (via BPC)
Parliamentary Review and Family Magazine (via BPC)
Progressive (via EBSCO Host)
Republican, The (via BPC)
Saturday Analyst and Leader, The (formerly: The Leader) (via BPC)
Speaker, The : the Liberal Review (via BPC)