Strategies cover

May / June 2024



Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators

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  May-June 2024 (Volume 37, Issue 3)

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Table of Contents

Free Access Article
As Youth Sport Coaches Take to the Sidelines, Important Pedagogical Practices to Remember

– Christopher Merica

School-age children receive a myriad of physical, social, emotional, and cognitive benefits from being involved in sport, as well as several academic benefits. Children who participate in sport are more likely to have a higher GPA, increased daily attendance, and greater high school graduation rates than their non-sport participating peers. Unfortunately, participation in sport is in decline. Although several factors are to blame for the downward trend, the overwhelming research consensus is that children do not perceive sport to be fun due to coach behaviors. To facilitate positive outcomes from participating in sport, practice settings need to include developmentally appropriate skill progressions and ample opportunities for all players to participate and contribute, as well as a team atmosphere that fosters player self-actualization. Sport coaches should utilize best practices for developing the motor skills (sport-related skills) of their athletes. Pedagogical topics covered in this article include: (a) task presentations of skill, (b) designing appropriate practice tasks, and (c) applying skill into the tactical setting.


Creating Sport Settings for Positive Development of Socially Vulnerable Youth

In light of the growing social and emotional pressures among young people in today’s society, it is crucial to provide them with meaningful developmental programs. For many years, sport settings have been considered beneficial platforms for counteracting the adverse influences on socially vulnerable youths. Utilizing sport in youth development programs can create meaningful experiences that are highly productive for the personal and social growth of socially vulnerable youths. Yet, just participating in sport-based programs does not guarantee positive outcomes. Thus, this article provides some useful strategies that practitioners (e.g., coaches, teachers, and/or community program leaders) should consider when they develop and apply sport-based development programs for socially vulnerable youths.

Double Ball and Shinny: Fun Traditional Native American Units to Integrate into Any Curriculum

This article describes two traditional American games and discusses how they can be implemented in a physical education curriculum. These games can be enjoyed by all students and can provide a wide range of benefits, including the continuation of the legacy of some of the most historic games in North America. Rationales such as multicultural education, promoting cultural awareness, and cross-curricular integration are discussed. Lastly, the games will be explained along with integration strategies.

Invited Article

How Coaches Make Improvements in Coaching Practice

Sport coaching involves continuous learning as coaches seek to manage the complexity of the sport environment, address the ever-changing aspects of their sport, and find more effective and efficient ways to promote athlete development and maintain competitive advantage. Therefore, coaches regularly find themselves in situations where they need to learn more and strive for continuous improvement, a core coaching responsibility in the National Standards for Sport Coaches. This article presents information on how coaches can engage in lifelong learning experiences and reflective practice to make slow and steady change to improve their coaching practice and provide an even better experience for their athletes.



Defensive Back Footwork Training for Secondary School Football Players

As the game of American football has evolved over the years, passing has become an essential component for offensive success. Although there are numerous other essential skills for defending the pass, footwork is the most fundamental skill for defensive backs. In this article, we provide a set of drills for footwork training for secondary school football players. These drills can be easily integrated into more complex components of defense and transfer between positions on the field.


Sports Migration: Ten Coaching Strategies for Retaining Athletic Talents in Developing Countries

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of elite athletes from developing countries migrating to more developed nations in search of better training facilities, coaching, and competition opportunities The purpose of this article is to provide 10 coaching strategies and suggestions for retaining athletic talents in developing countries.


Peer-Led Physical Activity: Increasing Opportunities for Students to Be Engaged

Taking on leadership roles provides teenagers opportunities for personal growth and development. Peer-led physical activity opportunities can promote peer engagement and social support, which are crucial for promoting physical activity among students. This article presents an easy way to incorporate peer-led physical activity opportunities or units of instruction by employing Tabata, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout.


Advocacy in Action: Teaching Advocacy by Creating Awareness Among Future Physical Educators

When students decide to become physical education teachers, their perceptions of physical education are based mainly on how they experienced it themselves. Once they enter a teacher preparation program, professionals in the field must work together to help create awareness of what quality physical education is, especially for those who may not have experienced it in their K-12 education. Video storytelling may be one strategy to impact perceptions of physical education and teach the importance of advocacy for the profession.


Introducing a Weight-Inclusive Paradigm in Sport and Physical Education

The increased focus on preventing obesity in physical education spaces often leads to weight-centric ideology and anti-fat attitudes that subject fat students to weight stigma and can reduce their enjoyment of and engagement in physical activity. In order to promote lifelong physical activity and health among students, physical educators must reexamine their beliefs regarding weight as an indicator of both health and capacity for physical activity. This article discusses common misconceptions about the relationship between weight, health, and physical activity and provides examples and resources for educators to create a more weight-inclusive physical education program.