Volume 32 No.1

Craig Berry, Eunice Goes and Karl Pike

Editorial: The promise and the perils of pragmatic politics (Online version – free to read)


Karl Pike

Social democratic ideology: a conversation with Elizabeth Anderson (Online version – free to read)

John Denham

Whither the soft left? (Free to read – COMING SOON)

Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite

Labour and the Lib Dems: co-operation and conflict in Consborough (Free to read – COMING SOON)


Emily Robinson and Jonathan Moss

The politics of feeling

Gerry Hassan

The need for a new story of hope and agency: Labour, Britishness and the British state


Carlo D’Ippoliti

Eurozone reform: a fiscal framework to rule them all

Anna Coote

Universal basic services and renewing social democracy


Nick Garland

Liberal after all: Jon Cruddas comes full circle

Matthew Donoghue

Morbid symptoms: centre-left failure and neoliberal resilience in an age of austerity

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