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The use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) as well as other image- and performance-enhancing drugs (IPEDs) has become one of the most recent global major substance use disorders in the 21st century. These substances are not only used by professional bodybuilders and competitive athletes, but moreover by recreational gym users aiming to achieve personal image and sports-performance goals [1].
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All members of the panel introduced their organization and activities in short presentations, which were followed by a 75-minute discussion moderated by Joëlle Flück (Swiss Sports Nutrition Society president, and Health4Sport Board member) and Boris Gojanovic (Sport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland president, and Health4Sport Board member). This article is a transcription of the debate, and all statements have been revised and approved by the participants.
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Athlete safeguarding is fostered by empowering young athletes and providing them tools to reinforce their mental health, as a protective measure against potential maltreatment and to deal with competitive pressure. This study explores the impact on young athletes’ mental health of an online, group psychological intervention constructed on well-being factors theorized by Seligman.
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During Lausanne 2020 Youth Olympic Games (YOG), an activity to prevent and raise awareness of abuse in sport was offered to young athletes in the Olympic villages of Lausanne and St-Moritz. The activity, called And You...?, was not only educational, but also research-oriented. The data collected enabled a better understanding of how young athletes recognize and evaluate the different types of violence they may encounter in their sporting environment.
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The “Magglingen protocols” and other cases of abuse in sports have attracted public attention to the problem of interpersonal violence against athletes. This article summarizes the scientific literature on the prevalence of different forms of interpersonal violence in sports, on personal, organizational, and cultural risk factors for victimization, and on psychopathological consequences of athlete abuse. In conclusion, recommendations for trauma-informed interdisciplinary prevention and intervention programs are outlined.
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Operating as physiotherapist and doctor in the field of sports requires deepened knowledge and clinical skills in sports physiotherapy and sports medicine, specific information on the field being supported, a clear commitment to the duty of care and social skills. It is furthermore indispensable to clarify and be aware of the role of team physio and team doctor as well as to invest in good preparation. The article highlights these points and provides a suggested list of recommendations about do’s and don’ts for team physios and team doctors.
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Sports physiotherapists work in very close contact with athletes, both on and off the field of play. In this challenging sporting context, they often have to find a balance between pushing the limits in rehabilitation/training and staying within the limits of a safe and ethical proper management of the athletes. Sports physiotherapists have also access to a unique perspective of behaviours not only of the athlete, but of all other individuals interacting with the athlete.
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Ein Sport, der das Wohlbefinden der Menschen im Sport kompromisslos ins Zentrum setzt, basiert auf drei starken Pfeilern: eine gut koordinierte Prävention, achtsame Förderstrukturen und ein unabhängiges Meldesystem. Swiss Sport Integrity ist die Melde- und Untersuchungsstelle bei Ethikverstössen und Missbräuchen im Sport. Swiss Olympic und seine Mitglieder, das Bundesamt für Sport BASPO sowie die Kantone sorgen für optimale Förderstrukturen und setzen gezielte Präventionsmassnahmen um.
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A sport that uncompromisingly places the well-being of people in sport at its heart is based on three strong pillars: well-coordinated prevention, mindful support structures and an independent reporting system. Swiss Sport Integrity is the reporting and investigative body for ethical violations and abuse in sport. Swiss Olympic and its members, the Federal Office of Sport FOSPO and the Swiss cantons ensure optimal support structures and implement targeted prevention measures.
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n order to possibly better match the needs of youth athletes, the SEMS pre-participation questionnaire has undergone some significant adaptations for this group of patients. One of the changes is the usage of the more personal first-name address in either of the Swiss national languages (German, French, Italian).
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