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Discover Environment

Publishing model:
Open access


Discover Environment is an open access journal covering the research and innovation that is taking place across the environmental sector.

  • Covers all basic, methodological, and applied science across the environmental sector.
  • A Discover journal focused on speed of submission and review, service, and integrity.
  • Charis M. Galanakis
14,515 (2023)

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Journal updates

  • In memoriam: Editorial Board Member Prof. Dionysios (Dion) Dionysiou

    Prof. Dionysios Dionysiou, a visionary in Environmental Engineering, has passed. Born in Cyprus, he held the Herman Schneider Professorship and was a UNESCO co-chair on "Water Access and Sustainability" at the University of Cincinnati. Prof. Dionysiou's impactful career included pioneering research on harmful algal blooms, advanced water treatment, and nanotechnology. He authored over 600 publications, earned Highly Cited Researcher recognition, and served as an esteemed editor. His legacy as a fellow of prominent organizations and a mentor to many will forever influence the field. He will be deeply missed by the scientific family of Discover Environment. Our heartfelt condolences to his family and colleagues.

  • Writing your manuscript: interactive author tutorials

    Looking to publish in a Discover journal? Springer Nature provides interactive tutorials to help you as an author write the best article possible by providing points to consider, from your background reading and study design to manuscript structuring and figure preparation.

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  2. Baidu
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  7. Dimensions
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  9. Google Scholar
  10. Naver
  11. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  12. Portico
  13. ProQuest
  14. TD Net Discovery Service
  15. Wanfang
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