Latest E&P Exclusive Reporting

Borealis Philanthropy’s bold plan: Investing billions to support BIPOC journalism

E&P got an early preview of the study Alicia Bell launched as part of her work as the director of the Racial Equity in Journalism (REJ) Fund at Borealis Philanthropy. Titled “Repair, Reimagine, and Rebuild: Modeling the Future of News For and By Black, Brown, and Indigenous Communities,” the report proposes it will take somewhere between $380 million to $7.1 billion annually to truly fund BIPOC journalism across the U.S.

Meet E&P's "15 Over 50" class of 2024

In the last three years, we have announced our “15 Over 50” salute. However, again this year, the nominees have been so deserving that we expanded the group to include more in our salute — while retaining the “15 Over 50” moniker. The 22 news media professionals you’ll meet here are hopeful about the future and proud to be part of guiding the next generation forward. We know their passion for this industry will shine through their profiles.  

Empowering "heroes:" A storytelling approach to media sponsorship sales

In the fast-paced world of news media sales, traditional tactics can feel like a tired script. However, what if there’s a more powerful approach? E&P columnist Richard E. Brown delves into a topic that's been on his mind lately: his approach to selling sponsorships in the news media industry — an approach that frames the news organization as the “hero” in a hero's journey tackling community issues.

Handbook offers guidance on fairness and pay in small newsroom internships

Small newsrooms have a lot to think about when considering internships. A new handbook written by Barbara Selvin, an associate professor emerita at the School of Communication and Journalism at Stony Brook University, addresses a multitude of questions that will arise. The handbook is presented by The Daily Catch, a nonprofit news source based in Red Hook, Hudson Valley, New York, with funding support from the D.J. McManus Foundation.

University of Iowa saves local weeklies, offers J-school students real-world experience

The University of Iowa insists on maintaining its status as a school that elevates writing. But it is also generating new opportunities for students. To that end, it now has more news publications to serve as a training ground for its journalists. The school’s student-run news organization is leveraging its nonprofit status to give students more opportunities while also saving two endangered rural newspapers.

Empowering small newsrooms: The rise of data journalism in local media

At its core, data journalism is seen as a critical way of holding the powerful to account. It allows journalists to share their receipts with the public. That proof comes from finding the relevant data and analyzing it so that it can be presented in a way that explains why it’s important. Cheryl Phillips, the founder of Big Local News at Stanford University, says even the smallest newsrooms with people who aren’t specifically trained as data journalists can do important data work.
Latest #NewsMedia Headlines

A new Pew Research Center package finds that how U.S. adults get news and navigate politics on TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram varies across platforms.

Why Redstone ultimately vetoed the deal is now up for discussion. The answer, of course, depends — greatly — on who you ask.
CNN has signed a deal with the Associated Press to use the news wire’s content online.
In a state with little government accountability, Mississippians routinely learn about the actions of their public officials only because of journalism like Mississippi Today's. If this court order is upheld, every Mississippian would stand to lose a fuller understanding of how some leaders truly operate when their doors are closed and they think no one is watching.
Google's Gemini-powered Generative AI Overviews could further cut into digital publishers' revenue.
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"Final Phase" for local media: Gordon Borrell affirms content as the lifeline

During this exclusive E&P interview, Gordon Borrell, CEO of Borrell Associates, provided critical insights into the evolving landscape of local media. Highlighting a seismic shift in the industry, Borrell emphasized content as a key differentiator in what he terms the “final phase” for local media. To underscore this, he announced the relocation of Borrell Associates’ 2025 annual conference from Miami to the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU.

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In 2019, the Sahan Journal was established as a nonprofit media operation led by veteran journalist Mukhtar M. Ibrahim. The mission was to provide news to communities of color in and around Minneapolis. By October of last year, it had secured $7.4 million from funders and raised another $2 million from advertising and individual donations. It’s funding a newsroom staffed with people from diverse backgrounds.
Publishers and the news industry know why they have trouble increasing and even maintaining their ad revenue: The tech giants have been grabbing much of it for years. There are plenty of ad dollars, but publishers also need advanced tech tools to compete with tech giants and their technologies. Trib Total Media, serving the greater Pittsburgh area is confident it has those tools.
Rebuilding and furthering trust in news is a perpetual concern for news publishers today. As editor of the “trust team” at The New York Times, it’s Edmund Lee’s mission. Among the recent steps implemented at The Times to better communicate with the public are enhanced bylines and redesigned staff author pages, which help to personify the people behind the journalism.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: Build your audience with “daily briefing” emails, then leverage that audience for additional advertising and subscription revenue.
The Arena Group (NYSE American: AREN) has filed a lawsuit against ABG, which owns the rights to Sports Illustrated, and against Minute Media, for theft of Arena’s technology.
Some news organizations have used generative AI, but the utility of AI in journalism is not obvious to everyone. The Journalist's Resource reached out to a longtime tech journalist for her thoughts on the future of AI and the news.
The Journalists Recovery Network offers testimonials from other journalists, resources and a space to talk to someone in recovery.
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Latest E&P Partner Press Releases

The Las Vegas (Nevada) Review-Journal has committed to a very large Goss Newsliner Press Drive upgrade project with imPRESSions Worldwide, Inc. from Burlington, Washington, in conjunction with  DCOS from Sweden, following a large wave of printers making similar decisions as of late.

The Jacobs Family has sold its J-Ad Graphics publishing business to JAMS Media, LLC and its View Newspaper Group of Lapeer, Michigan, according to Joe Bella, independent broker with BVC LLC. Bella represented the Jacobs family in the transaction.
On April 1, The Albuquerque Publishing Co., based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, went live with the Community Advertising System (CAS) from SCS.
In the ever-evolving world of online news, securing reader loyalty and generating sustainable revenue remains a constant battle. While paywalls have become a popular strategy, many publications, like HuffPost, are hesitant to restrict access to their content and prefer to keep their award-winning journalism free and available to all.
LNP Media Group, based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, has reached an agreement with SCS to install the Community Advertising System (CAS).
Latest E&P Sponsored Case Studies

Hyperlocal news publisher and creator of Broadstreet Kenny Katzgrau teamed up with Montclair Local's Annette Batson to deliver a highly polished and tactical webinar on achieving same-day closes with digital advertisers.

Watch this "E&P Reports" Sponsored Webinar revealing how these three news publishers are taking advantage of the new, growing, impactful media of digital signage, to reach new readers and drive new revenue.
In this fast paced, E&P Sponsored Webinar learn how European media companies are generating over a hundred thousand dollars each in new, turn-key, SMB ad revenue, using an AI tool that instantly develops complete marketing campaigns for local advertisers.
Imagine an assistive AI tool that efficiently reformats your newsroom content into various text, audio, and video formats instantly. Not only does it streamline the process, but it also autonomously generates headlines and keywords to optimize SEO performance for your stories. Watch this insightful E&P Sponsored Webinar, where we'll delve into how NOTA is reshaping the landscape of news content creation. Explore their suite of assistive AI tools designed to amplify the impact and reach of human-authored stories.