National Commentaries

“South Korean Threat Perceptions”

A View from South Korea

Threat perceptions are all relative and often do not correspond to objective reality. They are shaped not only by history, proximity, and the nature of issues between countries, […]

A View from the United States

The 2024 world faces globe-spanning conflict, political instability and polarization, and the threat of disinformation. Korea is not immune to these forces. The Yoon Suk-yeol administration has made […]

Country Reports

South Korea
Country Report: South Korea (April 2024)

The unfolding events in South Korea between March and April 2024 demonstrate a dynamic environment influenced by complex diplomatic strategies and regional tensions. The South Korean general elections […]

Country Report: South Korea (February 2024)

South Korea and the United States have decided to begin negotiation this year to conclude the 12th Special Defense Cost-Sharing Agreement (SMA), which will take effect from 2026. […]

Country Report: South Korea (December 2023)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized the importance of fostering military ties and collaborative security efforts during his November 8-9 visit to South Korea, particularly in the […]

Country Report: South Korea (October 2023)

The evolving dynamics in South Korea’s geopolitical landscape, characterized by diplomatic intricacies, defense concerns, and cultural influence, undeniably underscore the nation’s multifaceted role in the global arena. The […]

Country Report: South Korea (August 2023)

Throughout July, President Yoon Suk-yeol was extensively engaged in diplomatic activities, including participation in a NATO conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, as well as undertaking a visit to Ukraine. […]

Country Report: China (April 2024)

In early 2024, Chinese analysts carefully examined developments in the Indo-Pacific. They explored the differences between India and Japan as regional powers and the reasons for each country […]

Country Report: China (February 2024)

During the winter of 2023–4, Chinese analysts devoted significant attention to developments in the Indo-Pacific, with particular attention to the role of India. One analyst examined the relationship […]

Country Report: China (December 2023)

In late 2023, Chinese analysts devoted significant attention to the Indo-Pacific. One analyst examined the implementation of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy under the Biden administration, while evaluating internal […]

Country Report: China (October 2023)

In mid-2023, Chinese analysts evaluated the role of US minilateralism in US Indo-Pacific policy, most notably the Quad and AUKUS, arguing that it was likely to produce systemic […]

Country Report: China (August 2023)

In mid-2023, Chinese analysts explored India’s long history of balancing among great powers, arguing that its “triple deviation” from the norms of strategic credibility have important implications for […]

Country Report: Japan (May 2024)

On February 16 Yomiuri discussed a proposed law making it easier to share secrets and conduct joint research. This aimed to raise Japan to the international level for […]

Country Report: Japan (March 2024)

Through the winter of 2024, as Kishida Fumio suffered low ratings amid an LDP funding scandal, foreign affairs were a secondary concern. End-of-year and start-of-year meetings kept relations […]

Country Report: Japan (January 2024)

In the late autumn of 2023, there was no dramatic development in Japanese foreign policy. Prime Minister Kishida’s trip to the San Francisco APEC summit reinforced existing thinking […]

Country Report: Japan (November 2023)

Across the two months of September and October 2023, Japanese articles covered the UN General Assembly leaders’ meeting, the G20 summit, a difficult phase of Sino-Japanese ties impacted […]

Country Report: Japan (September 2023)

Despite the supposed dog days of August, the summer news from Japan proved quite riveting. In July and August, alarm only heightened over the challenging security environment Japan […]

Country Report: Russia (March 2024)

China, Sino-US relations, North Korea, India, and the BRICS as well as a possible Japan-North Korea summit drew attention in Russian publications in the first months of 2024. […]

Country Report: Russia (January 2024)

Vladimir Putin’s visit to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, or One Belt One Road (OBOR) in Russian eyes) summit in Beijing, Xi Jinping’s summit with Joe Biden […]

Country Report: Russia (November 2023)

Favorite themes in Russian publications in the late summer and fall of 2023 were the BRICS summit—a symbol of a new world order led by Russia and China—the […]

Country Report: Russia (September 2023)

Russian writings on Asia in the late summer of 2023 ranged from encomiums to China’s success to alarm about its revanchism. Some struggle with uncertainty about its economic […]

Country Report: Russia (July 2023)

The late spring and early summer of 2023 brought a plethora of analyses of Russia’s relations in Asia, ranging from the Korean Peninsula to China to the SCO […]