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Iranian Journal of Catalysis (IJC)

Editor-in-Chief: Ahmad Reza Massah, PhD

Online ISSN: 2345-4865

Print ISSN: 2252-0236

Publishes Quarterly


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Since the publication of Issue 1, Volume 14 (March 2024), the Iranian Journal of Catalysis has been published by OICC Press (, and manuscript submission can be made via this link:
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Iranian Journal of Catalysis (IJC) publishes experimental and theoretical research results of outstanding significance in the field of catalysts and their application in organic, inorganic, bioorganic, analytical, polymer, and other branches of chemistry. The scope of IJC includes homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, catalytic reactions, computational catalysis, synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes, enzymatic catalysis, and spectroscopic methods for structural characterization.

Journal DOI: 10.57647/IJC

Journal Abbreviation: Iran J Catal

Journal Title Acronym: IJC

Journal Owner: Islamic Azad University

IJC is an open access, peer-reviewed journal (double-blinded), meaning that all interested readers can freely access the journal online at without needing a subscription. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be subject to any page charges, color charges, or article processing charges and immediately appear online, followed by a printed hard copy.

All manuscripts and revisions will undergo plagarism check using similarity detection systems such as Samimnoor, iThenticate, along with other available tools.

In Addition, the “Iranian Journal of Catalysis” has been indexed on the “Web of Science“.

The “Iranian Journal of Catalysis” Now have included in Journal Impact Factor List of “Clarivate”, 2022. (JCR)

The “Iranian Journal of Catalysis” has become a member of COPE, the Committee on Publication Ethics, since January 2013.


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