

Research outputs

As an application-oriented research organisation, Fraunhofer aims to conduct highly innovative and solution-oriented research - for the benefit of society and to strengthen the German and European economy.



Fraunhofer is tackling the current challenges facing industry head on. By pooling their expertise and involving industrial partners at an early stage, the Fraunhofer Institutes involved in the projects aim to turn original scientific ideas into marketable products as quickly as possible.



Scientific achievement and practical relevance are not opposites - at Fraunhofer they are mutually dependent. Thanks to the close organisational links between Fraunhofer Institutes and universities, science at Fraunhofer is conducted at an internationally first-class level.



The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organisation for applied research in Europe. Institutes and research facilities work under its umbrella at various locations throughout Germany.

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  • Publication
    Tailoring the MontiArcAutomaton Component & Connector ADL for Generative Development
    ( 2015)
    Ringert, J.O.
    Rumpe, B.
    Wortmann, A.
    Component & connector (C&C) architecture description languages (ADLs) combine component-based software engineering and model-driven engineering to increase reuse and to abstract from implementation details. Applied to robotics application development, current C&C ADLs often require domain experts to provide component behavior descriptions as programming language artifacts or as models of a-priori fixed behavior modeling languages. They are limited to specific target platforms or require extensive handcrafting to transform platform-independent software architecture models into platform-specific implementations. We have developed the MontiArcAutomaton framework that combines structural extension of C&C concepts with integration of application-specific component behavior modeling languages, seamless transformation from logical into platform-specific software architectures, and a-posteriori black-box composition of code generators for different robotics platforms. This paper describes the roles and activities for tailoring MontiArcAutomaton to application-specific demands.