Essays in French Literature and Culture

A peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the French Programme at the University of Western Australia ISSN No. 1835-7040

Published by the French programme at the University of Western Australia, Essays in French Literature and Culture is a scholarly, independent, peer-reviewed journal with an international Editorial Board and Advisory Board.

…. Latest news….

Issue 60 (2023) is now available

“Matters of Taste/Questions de goût” is the 2023 issue special theme, guest edited by Professor Véronique Duché, The University of Melbourne. Available now in hard copy and in Open Access

Aalitra Translation Prize 2024 – French

Every second year, the Australian Association for Literary Translation (AALITRA) wards two translation prizes for translations from a specific language into English – one for prose, one for poetry. This year, the language of the source text is French. More information here.



Essays in French Literature was founded in 1963 by the late James R. Lawler, as a medium for scholarly articles in French or English relating to French Literature.

Published once a year, with its sixty years of existence, Essays is one of the longest-running French studies scholarly journals in the world. 

In 2005, the journal expanded its name to Essays in French Literature and Culture (EFLAC) as a way to open its pages to contemporary worldwide currents in French and francophone studies. 

Contributions are subjected to a double-blind peer review followed by a final editorial review.



Each of the journal’s yearly issues covers a particular theme relevant to French and Francophone literature and cultures, and reflecting current intellectual, cultural and literary debates, and aimed at scholars and academics. Guest Editors are welcome to suggest a theme to the Editorial Board.

Essays also includes a Miscellaneous section for contributions of note, not fitting in with the issue’s theme and, occasionally, we publish creative pieces such as poetry or interviews.

The journal is offered in print (AUD22 plus postage cost) as well as, for recent issues, electronically in Open Access (free for authors and readers).

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Essays in French Literature and Culture is solely funded by sales of hard copies and draws no resources from advertising. Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on behalf of the journal, are appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive.

The journal has been available on Informit, Ebsco, and Proquest for a number of years. It is indexed on Scopus (Elsevier).