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We can’t let the home of one of the great heroes of the American Revolution be demolished.

John Glover and the men of Marblehead saved the Continental Army several times, and then helped it cross the Delaware to victory at Trenton and Princeton.

The farmhouse of General John Glover, one of the great heroes of the American Revolution, is scheduled to be demolished after July 1, 2024.

Many historians and the author of a recent book have seriously misjudged the influential former vice president and cabinet secretary.

Classic Essays from Our Archives

Ike's Son Remembers George S. Patton Jr. | Summer 2012, Vol 62, No 2

By John D. Eisenhower

The author, who once served under General Patton and whose father, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was Patton's commanding officer, shares his memories of "Ol' Blood and Guts"

Gen. George Patton

Range Practice | Februrary 1968, Vol 19, No 2

By Dean Acheson

Our former Secretary of State recalls his service fifty years ago in the Connecticut National Guard—asthmatic horses, a ubiquitous major, and a memorable

horse-drawn artillery

Did Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson Love Each Other? | Fall 2008, Vol 58, No 5

By Annette Gordon-Reed

To call it loaded question does not begin to do justice to the matter, given America’s tortured racial history and its haunting legacy.

hemings jefferson

"The Sparck of Rebellion" | Winter 2010, Vol 59, No 4

By Douglas Brinkley

Badly disguised as Indians, a rowdy group of patriotic vandals kicked a revolution into motion

boston tea party

1619: The Year That Shaped America  | Winter 2019, Vol 64, No 1

By James Horn

Four hundred years ago this year, two momentous events happened in Britain’s fledgling colony in Virginia: the New World’s first democratic assembly convened, and an English privateer brought kidnapped Africans to sell as slaves. Such were the conflicted origins of modern America.


The Treasure From The Carpentry Shop | December 1979, Vol 31, No 1

By David McCullough


bridge drawing

    Today in History

  • MLK shot in Memphis

    Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray. Ray would be captured at London's Heathrow Airport a few months later, convicted of the murder, and charged with a 99 year sentence. 

  • NATO established

    Twelve North American and European states sign the North Atlantic Treaty in Washington, D.C., formally establishing NATO. In Article 5, the treaty calls for the mutual defense policy whereby an attack on any NATO ally would signify an attack on the entire alliance.

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