

Insectistatic and insecticide activity of Beauveria bassiana in Bradysia impatiens (Diptera: Sciaridae)

Abstract: Introduction: Bradysia impatiens causes significant losses in nurseries and greenhouses in Mexico. Objective: The insecticidal and insectistatic effect of Beauveria bassiana was evaluated on B. impatiens . Materials and methods: The insecticidal and ins

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Quality and time of biosolid compost when varying ratios and weight of substrates

Abstract: Introduction: Biosolids generated in the treatment of wastewater are an environmental problem due to their inadequate handling and disposal. Objective: To know the effects when varying substrate ratios and pile weight on quality and time of bio

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SiBiFor: Forest Biometric System for forest management in Mexico

Abstract: Introduction: Forest biometric systems are the most widely used analytical tools for analysis of forest growth and yield. Objective: T o present a new biometric system for temperate and tropical Mexican forests. Materials and methods: The study are

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Model of selection and evaluation for graduate applicants in forest sciences

Abstract: Introduction: The admission process of students to a postgraduate program is very important for the improvement of indicators of greater importance in the quality of the program. The problem is the large amount of information requested that i

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Molecular characterization using ISSR primers of Magnolia mexicana DC. from two regions in Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico

Abstract: Introduction: Magnolia mexicana DC . is a threatened species according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, a situation attributed to the fragmentation and destruction of its habitat. There are no studies on the genetic diversity of M. mexicana , even though it is

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Criterios de Evaluación
Criterios Básicos de Admisión Criterios Básicos de Admisión
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados / Criterios Deseables Criterios Cualitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados Cuantitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}