

Rock influences spatial memory in adult rats, while classical music do not

Abstract: Music can be used as a therapeutic tool and has several effects in cognitive and physiological functions. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of different musical pieces in spatial memory in adult male rats. A T maze was used to


Stimulus similarity decreases spontaneous object recognition regardless of the retention interval in rats

Abstract: The experiment aimed to test in a spontaneous object recognition (SOR) task the effects of stimulus similarity and the interval between a previous familiarization trial and such a task. 1h or 24 h after the familiarization trial with t


Production of false memories in collaborative memory tasks using the DRM paradigm

Abstract: Studies on collaborative memory have revealed an interesting phenomenon called collaborative inhibition (CI) (i.e., nominal groups recall more information than collaborative groups). However, the results of studies on false


Do potential past and future events activate the Left- Right Mental Timeline?
Roberto Aguirre Julio Santiago

Abstract: Current evidence provides support for the idea that time is mentally represented by spatial means, i.e., a left - right mental timeline. However, available studies have tested only factual events, i.e., those which have occurre


The effect of cognitive load and outcome congruency on the learned predictiveness effect in human predictive learning

Abstract: The learned predictiveness effect or LPE is the finding that when people learn that certain cues are reliable predictors of an outcome in an initial stage of training (phase 1), they exhibit a learning bias in favor of these cues in a subsequent


Applications of the dot probe task in attentional bias research in eating disorders: A review
Malgorzata Starzomska

Abstract: Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the cognitive approach to eating disorders, which postulates that patients selectively attend to information associated with eating, body shape, and body weight. The unrel


Differences in brain activation between the retrieval of specific and categoric autobiog raphical memories: An EEG study

Abstract: Difficulty in retrieving specific autobiographical memories is known as overgene ral autobiographical memory (OGM). OGM has been related with clinical psychopathology (e.g., depression, schizophrenia, etc.). People presenting a


The memory of what we do not recall: Dissociations and theoretical debates in the study of implicit memory

Abstract: Implicit memory reflects itself on situations in which previously acquired information is expressed, without awareness or intention. The study of implicit memory has had a profound impact on how researchers have investigated th


The Psychometric Toolbox: an Excel package for use in measurement and psychometrics courses

Abstract: The Psychometric Toolbox (PT) is a user - friendly, non - commercial package mainly intended to be used for instructional purposes in introductory courses of educational and psychological measurement, psychometrics and statistics. The PT package is organi



Criterios de Evaluación
Criterios Básicos de Admisión Criterios Básicos de Admisión
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados / Criterios Deseables Criterios Cualitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}
Criterios Altamente Valorados Cuantitativos
{{criterio.prioridadCriterio}}. {{criterio.observaciones}}