ISEAS Economics Working Papers

ISEAS Economics Working Paper Series is an online publication produced by researchers and associates of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Papers in these series are work-in-progress and are disseminated to generate feedback for subsequent publication in peer-reviewed outlets. Oriented at both researchers and policy-makers, the ISEAS Economics Working Paper Series seeks to share ongoing research that is relevant and rigorous. Contact:


“Chinese Investments in Malaysia: Synthesizing the Evidence Ten Years into the BRI” by Tham Siew Yean



“Human Capital, Amenities and Trade: The Case of Malaysia” by Cassey Lee



“Unbundling Regimes and Structural Transformation in Malaysia” by Cassey Lee



“The Belt and Road Initiative in Cambodia: Costs and Benefits, Real and Perceived” by Jayant Menon



“Real Exchange Rate and Firm Productivity: The Case of Vietnamese Manufacturing” by Minh Hong Phi



“Strategic Policies for Digital Economic Transformation: The Case of Malaysia” by Cassey Lee



“The Political Economy of Education in Myanmar: Recorrecting the Past, Redirecting the Present and Reengaging the Future” by Aung Tun



“Promoting Cross-Border Connectivity in Asia: The Role of the Asian Development Bank” by Jayant Menon



“Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts in Southeast Asia” by Tham Siew Yean and Andrew Kam Jia Yi



“Examining the Drivers of Changes in Mean Earning and Earning Inequality in Indonesia” by Maria Monica Wihardja and Abror Tegar Pradana

