Scripta Medica

Scripta Medica 83 (2/2010)SCRIPTA MEDICA is published by the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (Publisher).
Scripta Medica, a scientific journal of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, has been published since 1922, with the exception of the war years 1941 to 1944.
Today the journal Scripta Medica enters a new period of its existence. We have learnt from the mistakes and found out that we have established tradition, research experience, work skills and practice, and reasonable chances to be successful. We are aware of the heritage of our past and we choose the best of it. We do not want to focus on publishing scientific information only, but we want to pay attention to scientific communication, scientific research, scientific congresses, and all events leading up to better understanding of medical science research.
The journal is quarterly, with four issues in a year. The scientific standard of published papers is guaranteed by the Editorial Board. The journal is addressed to scientists not only in the Czech Republic but all over the world. We use the English language as a scientific language and we believe that we will be able to speak to scientists from different disciplines in all aspects. We wish to be a journal widely opened to all research workers for scientific investigation – medical and biomedical research, laboratory research, and experimental work.
Our journal is now changing into a modern scientific journal in all aspects, with changes in its title page, size and graphic layout, taking heed of the quality of its papers and reviews, and also changing its distribution. The journal is distributed free again, but we have given priority to explicit addressing. The journal Scripta Medica is printed in 500 copies.
Papers can be read by means of the Adobe Acrobat Reader software.


dovolujeme si Vám oznámit, že z rozhodnutí děkana č. 3/2010 ze dne 9. 11. 2010 bylo ukončeno vydávání časopisu SCRIPTA MEDICA Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae. V letošním roce vyšla 2 čísla, která jsou spolu s archivem časopisu k dispozici na webových stránkách.

S pozdravem

Mgr. Marie Korcová
Ediční oddělení LF MU

Information for Authors and Reviewers can be displayed here. Advertising is accepted in the journal. Further information including rates, specifications, etc. is available on request.


Faculty of Medicine,
Masaryk University, Brno
Komenského nám. 2
CZ-662 43 Brno
Periodicity: 4 issues per volume
The journal Scripta Medica is printed
in 500 copies.
Printed by Tiskárna Helbich, a.s., Brno
Art studio: Metoda, s.r.o., Brno
Advertising is accepted in the journal.
Detailed information including rates, specification,
etc. is available on request.
ISSN 1211-3395
MK ČR 4996
Scripta Medica is available free online at

SCRIPTA MEDICA is indexed in
EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca
Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation
und Information

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