The American Midland Naturalist
TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the family of related journals. The most common relationship is to a previous and/or continuing title, where a journal continues publishing with a change to its official title. Other common relationships include a journal that is a supplement to another journal, a journal that is absorbed into another journal, a journal that splits into two or more new journals, or two or more journals that merge to form a new journal. For each of these related journals, the title history lists the dates published.
  1. 1909-2020 The American Midland Naturalist
  2. 1909 The Midland Naturalist

The American Midland Naturalist has been published for 90 years by the University of Notre Dame. The connotations of Midland and Naturalist have broadened and its geographic coverage now includes North America with occasional articles from other continents. The old image of naturalist has changed and the journal publishes what Charles Elton aptly termed "scientific natural history" including field and experimental biology. Its significance and breadth of coverage are evident in that the American Midland Naturalist is among the most frequently cited journals in publications on ecology, mammalogy, herpetology, ornithology, ichthyology, parasitology, aquatic and invertebrate biology and other biological disciplines.

All Issues
  1. 2020 (Vol. 184)
    1. No. 2 October 2020 pp. 129-279
    2. No. 1 July 2020 pp. 1-127
  2. 2020 (Vol. 183)
    1. No. 2 April 2020 pp. 145-272
    2. No. 1 January 2020 pp. 1-143