Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam


The Journal of Law and Islam (Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam, ZRI) is a free open access academic journal established in 2009 that addresses legal questions arising in the context of the Islamic religion, Islamic law and legal systems that have Islamic elements or claim an Islamic foundation.

The ZRI addresses relevant laws and legal institutions, developments and theories covering international, municipal, local and Islamic law. These are discussed and contextualised using a variety of methodological perspectives. It further discusses key phenomena influencing—or even shaping—the discourse in legal scholarship, law-making and legal practice in the relevant states and its analyses extend to the impact of global developments and tendencies on these areas of law ,and to the legal relationships among states.

These analyses are approached in the form of articles, reviews, case reports and reports on legal developments, conferences and scientific projects.

The ZRI is published annually. It is archived on the server of Leipzig University Library with a persistent URL. They qualify for registration with the German fund for usage rights for the written word (the VG Wort). The ZRI is published by a team of editors and supported by the Society of Arabic and Islamic Law (Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht, GAIR). Editors of the journal are members of the GAIR’s Committee or Board of Trustees. They are supported by an editorial team. In addition to review by the Editors, all contributions are subject to a double blind peer review process as a means of quality control. In that process, every contribution is anonymously reviewed by internationally renown experts in the field. Further information on the editorial process is at the link.

The ZRI subscribes to standards of open access. The ZRI and its articles are published under a Creative Commons license (Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives – 4.0 – International).

See the link for further information on licensing.

creative commons license